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Data Viewer

DataViewer is a Database viewing tool that exists as an Excel add-in on your PC.  It will run on Excel 2000 to 2007. It has the following features:

Database Selector

The selector is used to choose the database to view, or to maintain the list of databases.  The current version handles MS Access, SQL Server and Oracle database formats.  Other formats are to be added.

Data Viewer

The viewer allows the user to select the table or query and the fields to view.  Selected data may then be copied to the worksheet, or entered to the worksheet as a function.  The SQL statement for the data is also displayed, and may be modified to display other data.

Function Wizard

A wizard is provided to assist the user to create or modify database functions.


Data Filter

Filters may be applied to restrict the data displayed.

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Last modified: 10-Aug-2008